Marie Amière



I wholeheartedly support the Pink Style Tour and would like to give the women affected a zest for life and strength with my Hair by Amière wig collection! I had massive hair loss myself, to the point of being half bald, and I know the emotional pain that comes with it. Nevertheless, I would like to emphasize that I only lost my hair and didn't have to fight for my life at the same time. It was just hair. However, I lost both my mother and my grandmother to cancer. I accompanied my mother from her diagnosis, through the operation, to her last breath. That's why I can empathize with the situation of women suffering from cancer. I know how much grief, anger and despair they feel. But also how much strength, courage and will. On the Pink Style Tour, we transform all these emotions into joie de vivre and I am grateful to be part of this valuable project.